Of course, he was roped into her ways, rather than being born into it, as was Francisca and I.
Renauld was not my true father...but he was kind enough, I thought of him as if he was.
Countless times, he stood witness to Catarina's tirades. However, he was powerless to stop it. Whenever he and I were alone, his words were sympathetic.
I held no ill will against him. It was not his fault his wife was an obsessive, self-centered woman.

Oftentimes, Renauld told me that he would try to smooth things over with Catarina. Though, it never ended well.
When I left that house for good, I remained in contact with him. In fact, he was able to help me find a good home for myself.
He even offered to help me find Francisca, should he be able.
Ah, I remembered when he visited me one day.
He came bearing news. First, he was sad to say that he had yet to find clues on where my sister had gone.
Then, he told me something most surprising: he had filed for divorce. He could no longer bear the tyrant that he was married to.
It seems as though when I had gone, he was the one to withstand the brunt of Catarina's torment. In a way, he knew firsthand what my sister and I went through.
He claimed that seeing me break free inspired him to do the same.
When he first declared his intent to leave her, Catarina would not hear of it. She merely thought of it as a practical joke on Renauld's part.
The process to convince her otherwise was difficult. When he managed it, he said his now ex-wife flew into one of her trademark rages.
She tried to make him stay, claiming that I had corrupted him with my selfishness. She said that if he were to leave her now, she was a fool and a coward.
Renauld countered by saying that he would rather be a fool, than be the husband to an insensitive witch such as she.
I applaud him making his own decisions in the end. He aided me to the best of his ability.
Now, I only hope that wherever beyond the mortal coil he may lie, that he is happy.
How I miss him so. He was not my father, but at the same time, he was.
I wish I asked for him to live with me. But alas, that was a hole in my heart that I feared would never fill. In time, however, I found someone willing to take that chance.
I became reacquainted with a dear...friend...of mine.
(End of Chapter 2.)
It's nice when a step-father is nice to the children even if they aren't biological. Good for Renauld for leaving Catarina, she sure sounds like she needs a good ass kicking. LOL.