Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chapter 12: Feu de L'enfer

(This update is on Thursday to coincide with today's holiday.)

When Liam was not concocting his latest scheme, he was often at work at the police station. He and I worked in different factions, but we shared the same boss.

But as soon as the day was done, it was back to his scheming. After a particularly infuriating day for him, I found him in the last unused room.

He at first did not notice me, merely poking and tending that fire. He was muttering, sounding quite angry.

I knew the reason for his sour mood: he had been working hard, but our boss had deemed him not ready for a promotion.

Liam also claimed that he 'would show Officer Chesterfield'. With that, I dreaded the inevitable. I was sure that come tomorrow, our boss would be locked within that room.

The good news was, he was not the next victim.

The bad news was, they were two even less deserving of death.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chapter 11: Bouleversant

Not all of Liam's victims had a direct effect upon his psyche. Catarina, he apparently was aware of her cruelty. Miss Moore and Miss Rhoen, I shall not repeat that.

But not everyone was directly cruel to him.


There was this rather...disgruntled old man in the town, by the name of Louis. He said he hated Liam, but then, he hated everyone.

There had been days where he would harass his neighbors endlessly. Always, he would tell them that they would ruin his quiet time, and he would curse them.

It would seem his snappish demeanor repulsed Liam. Louis' remark in the form of "vampire boy" did little to help, either.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chapter 10: L'heure du dîner

At one point, I had asked Liam what the point in thinking up new executions was.

He told me that if he used the same methods repeatedly, it would get stale, and "no fun", as he put it. It was always, according to him, fun to think up new ways to exact revenge.

His idea of fun, eventually, included a rather odd creature set up in the basement. Liam told me that this...hybrid enjoyed eating two things: fish...and people.

Already, he had someone in mind for that animal's great feast.

Miss Rhoen was quite understandably confused. She indeed realized that Liam had locked her up, simply because of her snide remark towards him.

Liam dodged the statement, of course. He instead stated that his pet behind her was feeling rather ill. He was aware that she was renowned for her healing remedies, hence why he chose her.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chapter 9: Écrasé

It wasn't long after Catarina's death that Liam was at it again. He didn't bother to even get rid of the Philosophers' Stone in the first room.

Apparently, we would never know when we needed more money. But it was soon forgotten about in favor of a more...informal approach.

Liam claimed that he found it "on the back of a truck." looked suspiciously like the one from the police station.

Then he told me that he didn't care where it came from. It was broken anyway. Now why he brought into that particular room, I didn't know at first.

Then I found out, his path of destruction didn't end at Catarina.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapter 8: Sorcière d'or

Had I known Liam had ulterior motives, in the wake of his recent conversion?

Not initially. At first, all I bore witness was his rather...gleeful celebration in having left his humanity behind.

He seemed quite jubilant with himself. Given that many inhabitants were regarding him with some sort of fear, I considered if he had lied to me.

He never gave me a definite answer. In fact, he became ever the more secretive. Eventually, he ended up starting some...odd construction.